Life Groups meet
@ Crestview Baptist Church
Life Groups Director - Dennis Haley
Life Groups meet
@ Crestview Baptist Church
Life Groups Director - Dennis Haley
A men's class following the Leadership of The Shepherd. Come join us.
A class made up of ladies of all ages. We are compassionate women who love God and each other. Lessons are taught from both printed lesson books and biblically based media. Loving our neighbors and each other. Living, learning, and growing in Jesus.
Age 45+ co-ed class (married or single). A class learning to live a life full of JOY by focusing on Jesus first, others second, and ourselves last. Matthew 22:37-39
Age 40+ co-ed class who study the Bible together and apply its truths to all areas of life. Using creative methods to jump-start discussion about each lesson topic. This Bible study enjoys digging deep into God's Word. Periodic social events are scheduled to strengthen relationships, and ministry opportunities are ongoing to keep an outward focus on our community.
A class based on the Greek word "Charis" which means grace. This multi-generational class includes both singles and couples and multi-age levels with a focus on the grace of God for daily living.
The D.I.G. Class is a co-ed class of young to middle age adults (both married and single) who Delight In God's Word. We laugh, love, and learn together, growing closer to Christ.
A class devoted to the specific challenges of young adults who have a desire to grow in their faith and learn how to be on mission for Christ.